My wife was struggling with her orchid, so I took it. Every week or so, I dip it in my aquarium for 10 seconds, let it drip dry, then put it back on the WSW-facing windowsill.
It just started to get new buds for the first time in the years I’ve kept it alive. I didn’t even show it this forum post so it would know how to bloom. It just figured it out. Good orchid.
Another tip: fertilize with a weak solution once a month or every other week. I soak my roots and drain before putting them back in the decorative container. Check out “Miss Orchid Girl” on YouTube for tutorials; they’re very helpful. Don’t fertilize from October to January to give the plant a rest period. Keep the leaf joints dry. Dry them quickly with tissue or the leaf may drop off. Flowers need 3 leaves above them to produce a flower stalk. These are tips I wish I knew before I lost many orchids…
The leaves look a little dark, so it may not be getting enough light. I give my Phalaenopsis east or west sun, but not direct sun. The leaves are a medium to lighter green and bloom annually for me. I water them when the medium is slightly dry and fertilize in summer with orchid fertilizer at the recommended strength or regular fertilizer at half strength. As others said, they bloom when they’re ready, so be patient. One of mine didn’t bloom for over three years because it had no roots and just one withered leaf, so it took a while to recover. Good luck.