Stop using ice for watering. More water and more light will help.
They have an annual bloom cycle triggered by temperature changes, just slightly cooler.
I took out the cache pot so the roots could get light. They turned from white to green and started new leaf and root growth since roots can photosynthesize too. Now I have two new flower stalks growing. Taking out the cache also helps you see when it needs water. When the roots are silver, soak them and let them drain. They turn bright green, and you won’t need to water again until they’re uniformly silver. The ice cube method doesn’t provide uniform watering; some roots get soaked, while others dry out.
Have you tried telling it to TRY?
no plant is from the Arctic
Is there no indirect sun where the pot is?
Consider buying organic orchid food.
They need time to recover after flowering. Don’t move it. Bright light but no direct sun. Only water when it’s dry. Try some fertilizer specifically for orchids.
I’ve had two orchids for a few years. They grew leaves but didn’t bloom until I figured out what made them flower. They like a drop in temperature. I live in southern Canada, so it’s fall now; it’s warm during the day but cools down a lot at night. Sure enough, when I put them outside for the summer, they both started producing flower spikes.
I used a blooming fertilizer and got mine to bloom.
Keep it watered but less than when it’s blooming. Give it the same indirect light, fertilize once, don’t let the roots stay wet, wait for the flower spike to grow, and keep it moderately humid and warm.
Use orchid fertilizer in spring and late summer.
Welcome to my life, friend.
Needs light.
It needs love, water, and light.
It needs a few chilly days to bloom.
INFO: How long have you had the plant? Where do you keep it (bright indirect light)? Was it flowering when you got it? Have you checked the roots? Is there proper orchid mix in that pot, or is it mostly foam and just bark on top?
Mine struggled for a long time and didn’t bloom for years. I trimmed off old roots, and it didn’t help. Finally, I tried growing one in just water, no bark, and it flowered! Now all mine are in water, hoping the other two recover.
The best orchid care advice I learned from this forum:
The rule for watering and feeding is: weekly, weakly. Water once a week under the faucet, then lightly spray with orchid food (I like Miracle-Gro’s). Repeat the following week, then wait for the flowers to amaze you.
My indoor orchids have thrived for YEARS with this method and produce many long-lasting blooms, often on multiple stems. They stay in their original potting mix, and I haven’t changed anything, and they thrive in a south-facing window. I shared this method with my family, and now they’re all doing it this way. Ice cubes don’t give nearly the same results.
One note: when the blooms die, it may take a while for the next round. It’s normal for orchid leaves to age and turn yellow/shrivel; just snip them off.
More light, high potassium feed, and don’t water if you feel any moisture.