Hello I am writing a paper on the psychological and emotional benefits of gardening I would appreciate any answers Thank you
I began vegetable gardening in my teens when my family and neighbors decided to join together for a communal garden There was something calming about getting my hands in the dirt, which is ironic since I used to hate yard work
I still find it relaxing It allows me to connect with nature and the earth About 13 years ago, I talked to an organic farmer about buying his farm and he said something that has stuck with me
He said he considers himself a dirt farmer and views dirt as his main crop, while the fruits and vegetables are just the perks of having healthy earth
I love being outside, but I can’t hike or dive whenever I want But I can always go to my garden and dig You don’t need a gym if you are working outside every day
I really love that view Thanks for sharing
Healthy soil makes healthy plants
I started gardening because I love to see growth You can literally see new growth each day It reminds me that change is constant I stuck with gardening through the hard work because you get as much from it as you give It shows real returns for your effort in a world where that can be rare It’s so rewarding to cook and eat meals from the veggies you grew
I actually don’t enjoy gardening, but you might not guess that from my property I started gardening over 30 years ago when I rented a house with a dull yard that looked depressing The landlord didn’t care to fix the yard but allowed me to garden, so I did and the view improved a lot
When I bought a house 13 years later, it was a vacant property in need of a lot of work We couldn’t afford to hire anyone for the yard, so I learned to do it myself It’s beautiful now I’m proud of my work I still don’t enjoy gardening, but I love the results and have enjoyed the learning process
When Covid hit, I was stuck caring for my elderly mom for almost three months The whole experience was mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting When I finally got home, my job was on hold, so I had plenty of time I decided to focus on the front yard where grubs had killed the grass This project was for my mental health as much as it was about fixing the yard Stripping out dead grass, digging, improving the soil, planting, and nurturing gave me something clear and real to focus on during a time of stress and uncertainty There was a lot happening that I couldn’t control, but I knew I could tackle the mess in the front yard
A week ago, a neighbor stopped by and asked if I was a master gardener I told her no, just a self-taught gardener on a budget She was surprised and said my work looked professional It was one of the best compliments I’ve ever received
My mom gave each of us kids 10 square feet in the backyard to grow whatever we wanted She took us to nurseries and helped us order seeds I was around 12 when I started and I’ve spent the last 50 years working in different roles in the nursery and plant world
What are you talking about? I garden because aliens put an implant in my brain that makes me feel good each time I grow plants You can trust my anonymous word
Sidney said:
What are you talking about? I garden because aliens put an implant in my brain that makes me feel good each time I grow plants You can trust my anonymous word
Oh that makes sense I can hear the mycelium growing in my mulch, is that related to the implant
That’s not from the Erutan aliens Sounds like you’ve got one from Nedrag
Wait a minute What!? This forum is not a reliable source of info I think you might be lying just to make a point
They never said they were doing research They mentioned writing a paper I’ve written a lot of papers without research
I started gardening in my 20s I enjoy planting and watching things grow Gardening includes so many activities like designing, maintaining, and experimenting Growing plants from seeds is truly rewarding I learned to take cuttings to create new plants I love camellias but they can be expensive So I’ve air layered a dozen from shrubs that were the size of $200 plants It’s also fulfilling to rescue a nearly dead plant for a dollar from a store and bring it back to health Growing your own food is awesome I may not have a large space, but I once grew miniature corn to see its development The squirrels ended up eating it, but I got to witness the ears grow up close A dollar pack of lettuce seeds can provide fresh greens for months
I’m 59 My mom gardened her entire life and I helped her When I say something like I need to prune my azaleas, I hear it in her voice Also, flowers are lovely
Hale said:
I’m 59 My mom gardened her entire life and I helped her When I say something like I need to prune my azaleas, I hear it in her voice Also, flowers are lovely
It’s amazing how simple actions like pruning can bring back cherished moments and memories of loved ones
I started with cannabis after it became legal in Canada Then I discovered I genuinely love working with nature, so I began planting anything I could find
Stevie said:
I started with cannabis after it became legal in Canada Then I discovered I genuinely love working with nature, so I began planting anything I could find
Cannabis really is a gateway plant for gardening
For real I wish I had found my love for gardening before I graduated high school so I could work as a greenhouse worker or grow master now
Stevie said:
For real I wish I had found my love for gardening before I graduated high school so I could work as a greenhouse worker or grow master now
The government thought it was too dangerous Now they just want the tax money That’s why I’m growing my own Forget their money-grabbing hands
Stevie said:
I started with cannabis after it became legal in Canada Then I discovered I genuinely love working with nature, so I began planting anything I could find
I had to move from PA to rural CA and lived off-grid in a mini school bus It wasn’t fancy like those builds you see online, more like a hillbilly version We did it to make a living off the land It was a beautiful experience I’ll treasure forever