What do we have here?

I don’t necessarily want to remove it if it’s not a weed.

Calico aster, or Symphyotrichum lateriflorum, is a species of flowering plant in the aster family. It’s also known as starved aster and white woodland aster. This plant is native to eastern and central North America.

How can you distinguish it from white heath aster or other white-flowered asters?

Okay, cool. Thanks, everyone! I love the little flowers, and since it’s indigenous, I’ll leave it be.

If you cut them back once in July, they form a very nice bush by this time of year. My neighbor has been asking where I got these plants. Both these and ox-eye daisies are fantastic free flowers.

The squeal I let out when I instantly recognized it as an aster scared my parents :rofl:

This is the last flower they’ll get this season, and they’re working them hard right now.