My friend's hollyhocks grew so big… had to share this!

Just wanted to share how big my friend’s hollyhocks have grown this year. They’ve really taken off! Can’t believe how tall they’ve gotten. Hope you all enjoy seeing them as much as I did.

Everyone’s talking about the hollyhocks and I’m like, damn, that soil!

Val said:
Everyone’s talking about the hollyhocks and I’m like, damn, that soil!


Wow, any wind problems with them?

Wow! They are so tall!! Great gardening!!!

It’s nice to see what they look like when deer aren’t coming around and munching on them.

Wow! Did you need to stake them?

Hollyhocks are gorgeous! They really brighten up a garden. How long did it take for them to grow that big?

Billboards for the pollinators.

Plant one and you’ll never get rid of them!

Haru said:
Plant one and you’ll never get rid of them!

We were ripping ours out until we realized they take most of the grasshopper and Japanese beetle damage for our garden. So now, I just let them run wild!

They look stunning… Have you had any issues with the wind or had to tie them up at any point?


Awesome… will definitely try it out.

Totally envious. Mine died…

My hollyhocks dried out at the end of summer. Jealous.


Lovely! Mine always tip over, so the flowers end up sideways along the ground. Not as pretty.

Lovely hollyhocks!! I just wanted to say ‘hollyhocks.’

Can hollyhocks be transplanted from one spot to another in the garden or even from the ground to a pot?