Meyer lemons… anyone else growing them?

Hey everyone, I just picked these Meyer lemons and thought I’d share. Are any of you also growing them? They’re super sweet and look great. What do you use them for?

I’m a huge citrus fan, so I had to comment. Ooh, those look great!

>Ooh, those look great!

West said:
I’m a huge citrus fan, so I had to comment. Ooh, those look great!

>Ooh, those look great!


Breck said:
Nice!!! They last a while too. I love making lemonade with them.

My grandma has a Meyer lemon tree and it’s huge. We start picking them around now and go until about May, sometimes June. They get sweeter the longer they stay on the tree. By April, I can just squeeze them right into my mouth like an orange. I love that tree!

Wow, that sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing, I’ll have to try that!

Do you grow them indoors?

Charlie said:
Do you grow them indoors?

Yeah, I just brought it inside last week.

Archer said:

Charlie said:
Do you grow them indoors?

Yeah, I just brought it inside last week.

What kind of grow lights do you use? I brought mine inside too, but it’s losing a lot of leaves and small fruit that it had outside.

Any tips? I brought mine inside a few months ago, but now it’s losing a lot of leaves.

Dara said:
Any tips? I brought mine inside a few months ago, but now it’s losing a lot of leaves.

Try using grow lights and water a bit less.

Beautiful :heart_eyes:

Very nice!

They’re beautiful!!!

Jordy said:
If you want to learn something interesting, look up Frank Meyer. He was a really cool guy.

He was such an interesting guy! I looked him up after hearing about him. I also learned that Meyer lemons aren’t actually lemons. They’re a hybrid between citron and mandarin/pomelo, while regular lemons are a hybrid of citron and bitter orange. That’s why Meyer lemons are sweeter!

So beautiful! My mom’s tree is full of ripe ones right now, we’re going to harvest them this weekend! It’s about a month early compared to usual.
