I’ve got peppers still going strong in January! What about you all?
Aris said:
Nice! What zone are you in?
Yea I just covered all of mine. I’ve still got a lot of habaneros, reapers, and cayennes on the plants but they’re all still solid green so I’m hoping they start to ripen soon.
What are the little light green ones in the top bowl?
Tatum said:
What are the little light green ones in the top bowl?
Those are green Tabasco peppers. They would turn red eventually, but I’ve already made gallons of regular Tabasco sauce this year so I’m going to try something different with these. Probably just green Tabasco sauce.
They looked familiar. My grandma would can them in a vinegar mix. I just remember pouring a little bit of the juice from the jar for some flavor!
Very nice! I just harvested the last of mine for the season and trimmed them back, since our first frost is due in a few hours and they were looking pretty gnarly. They are inside my garage now. In a few days they’ll be back out in the sun! Your haul is very impressive! 9B southeast Tx
What types are these? I think I see orange habaneros, what’s above those?
Sterling said:
What types are these? I think I see orange habaneros, what’s above those?
Yep, those are habaneros and above those are Carolina Reapers. Jalapeños, spicy banana peppers, and Tabasco peppers round out the rest.
Awesome harvest! Do you have any secrets to share with the rest of us? What’s your fertilizing routine?
Sterling said:
Awesome harvest! Do you have any secrets to share with the rest of us? What’s your fertilizing routine?
Lol no secrets. The only thing different I did this year was crowd the garden with plants. We were always dealing with bug issues and we try to be as organic as we can, so no good bug exterminator products really. But this year I just planted a bunch of plants close together and it did way better than ever before. Seems like they all thrived that way. And if one died or didn’t do as well it was fine because others were. And the extra plants helped to distribute the bugs so that they didn’t demolish each plant.
And I used some Organic fertilizer, I tried a bunch of different kinds, once every few weeks? Not a real schedule but at least once a month I would say.
Frances said:
Wow! How many plants do you have?
A bunch lol. Probably like 15? It’s a 4x16 garden bed.
I’m up here in the Scandinavian winter with snow outside and very short days, but for some reason the Douglahs in the windows of my unheated living room have decided to give flowers and fruit a shot right now.
Omg, I envy you!