Check out this beautiful bouquet! Jamaican Hibiscus, aka sorrel

Flint said:
In Jamaica, we call it sorrel. It blooms around this time of year, but there are now varieties that bloom all year long.

It makes an amazing drink with ginger or a nice tea.

Looks lovely!

That’s the Jamaican flor de jamaica, right?

We call these rosellas in Australia.

So beautiful… it’s so tropical. Sadly, I can’t grow it in my area. Cries in Canada.

I wonder if it could grow in the DFW area. I might try planting some this spring.


Looks really good

Cade said:
Looks really good

Thank you!

I’m so jealous! Mine never blooms before it gets cold. I guess I need to start my seedlings earlier than the last frost date and not just plant them in the ground.

Yummy tea!


Wow, this bouquet is absolutely gorgeous!

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Very nice!

How many plants do you recommend growing?