Hi everyone! I bought these pre-arranged plants from Lowe’s early in the summer, and to my surprise, they did really well. I’m wondering if they can be brought inside for the winter and then put back out next year. Will they need different care compared to regular houseplants?
If you live in an area where it freezes in the winter, you should bring the plants inside. Blast them with a hose outside to avoid bringing in any hitchhiking bugs.
Place them where they will get bright light and plenty of humidity, such as a kitchen or bathroom window. Keeping the pots close together and near a bowl of water can help.
During the winter, avoid giving excessive fertilizer or water. If you see fungus gnats, it means the soil is too wet. Use mosquito bits on the soil surface to control the gnats.
The plants may get a bit leggy due to decreased light over the winter. In February, trim them back about halfway and start giving them some fertilizer. Don’t put them back outside until the nights are consistently above 45°F.