Behold… The carrot! 🥕 Seriously though, what do you all do with the greens?

The pesto is delicious, and you can easily switch up the nuts, acid, or other herbs to make it very versatile. I made some for gnocchi, and it was fantastic!

I didn’t see your comment before I posted mine, but I totally agree!

Exactly! Carrot top pesto is unique and interesting, plus it freezes well. Also, it’s great in tabbouleh (sp?).

Yes, I would definitely choose tabbouleh over pesto.

I use walnuts in my carrot top pesto and it’s delightful.

Thanks, I’ll definitely give this a try!

You can blanch the tops like spinach.

By the way, it looks like your soil might be too nitrogen-rich, either naturally or from fertilizer. This often results in large tops and small roots. Carrots thrive in soil with medium to low nutrient content.

Thank you! My carrots always turned out like this, so I gave up trying to grow them. Should I add sand?

If you don’t fertilize them and they still grow like that, then adding sand is likely a good idea.

If you’re in a hot climate, try planting them earlier in the season, as too much heat and dry weather can also stunt their growth.

I actually prefer them small like this. It reminds me of that scene in Mrs. Doubtfire where she accidentally sets her chest on fire and then orders that fancy meal with the tiny carrots…

I’ve also heard that rocky soil can cause this issue. I haven’t experimented much with it yet, but I’ve read that sifting the soil and adding perlite can help.