Anyone else love how magnolia trees look? Mine is in bloom today…

My magnolia tree is blooming right now, and I wanted to share it with everyone here! The flowers are so beautiful and it feels like spring is really here. What do you think?

One of the perks of living in Louisiana. They’re everywhere and always sport beautiful blooms.

Pardon me but what are the little Dr. Seuss looking plants (the trio by the walkway) there? I drive by a house with one of these and I’ve always been curious what it is!

Greer said:
Pardon me but what are the little Dr. Seuss looking plants (the trio by the walkway) there? I drive by a house with one of these and I’ve always been curious what it is!

Madagascar palm, according to Google Lens.

Amazing. Thanks!

Love it!!

wow, this is nice…

Looking pretty!

I love magnolias.

Love seeing these large beauties! Thx you.

Sooo pretty

Looking good!

That’s a very beautiful flower.

Your Magnolia tree is literally perfection. Mother Nature really popped off with this one!

What a beautiful tree.

Magnificent blossoms - looking at that picture I can practically smell the perfume. You are indeed fortunate :grin:

Those flowers! Love how giant they can be :heart:

Okay, but why does this look like something out of a fairytale? So pretty!

So so beautiful

So pretty, i love it so much