Lately, my cucumbers have been looking pretty weird, and I’m starting to wonder if I’m giving them way too much water. Anyone know how to tell for sure?
You’ve watered them so much, they’re turning into cacti now!
This post gave me a good laugh . Quality humor here!
Ash said:
This post gave me a good laugh . Quality humor here!
Totally feels like one of those jokes you’d get forwarded to your inbox in the early 2000s.
They do look a bit overripe. Try picking them sooner next time!
They seem a little leggy—might need more light rather than less water.
Best way to figure it out? Take a big ol’ bite and see how it tastes!
Mmm… yeah, maybe just a tad overwatered.
Those poor San Pedros!
Classic content for plantcirclejerk vibes here.
Could they be some sort of English x Lemon cucumber hybrid? What did the seed packet say they’d look like?
Congrats! You’ve earned the failed humor trophy ! Maybe rethink how you set up the joke next time?
Hey, if nothing else, you can dehydrate these and make some DIY loofahs out of them!