A little friend took a nap in my zinnia!

He wasn’t dead, I gave him a pat and he moved. Fast asleep :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When bumblebees can’t make it back to their hive, they simply sleep in or under flowers. They wait for the sun to warm them up before flying away. I adore them.

What do you mean by “they don’t have time to go home”? Are you referring to before the sun sets?

This species of bumblebee lives in small underground hives. When the temperature drops after sunset, they become sluggish and may struggle to return to the hive. They also require a lot of energy to keep going, so they bed down near their breakfast and wait for the sun to warm them up.

The weather is cooling down a lot where I live. When I checked on my dahlias, I found about 10 bumblebees just hanging out on the flowers. I only have around 6 plants, so I was surprised to see so many bees in one place.

The forbidden friend lol

Eh, it’s just a Bumble. The boys can’t sting, and you have to be physically attempting to harm a girl for them to sting. Just a fuzzy little garden helper.