The tall pot in the center looks nice, but it could make a bigger statement. Maybe something larger or more eye-catching would work better. Overall, though, it’s beautifully done!
Kai said:
The tall pot in the center looks nice, but it could make a bigger statement. Maybe something larger or more eye-catching would work better. Overall, though, it’s beautifully done!
A small pergola with wisteria or jasmine climbing over it could really make the center stand out!
Quinby said:
You could just install it in my backyard!
Haha, only if you pay me!
Arley said:
This reminds me of a Piet Oudolf design.
That’s such a kind compliment. Thank you!
Adding some red twig dogwood could give it more color and height for winter. Beautiful space, by the way!
What growing zone is this? It’s absolutely stunning! Maybe try adding a Japanese maple or some evergreen trees for height. Silver Queen euonymus could work too—great year-round with pinkish tones in the cold. Oakleaf hydrangeas could add nice fall color. Do you have any sedum for texture?
This is Zone 7, and thank you! I’ve got a few small evergreens that’ll look great in about 10 years, haha. I used to have a Japanese maple, but it got verticillium wilt, and after years of trying to save it, I had to let it go. Would love another one someday!
Totally get that—I’m waiting on my camellias to mature, and it’s taking forever! Love what you’ve done so far. Maybe think about loropetalum for some contrast and height? Would love to see this garden in other seasons too!
Maybe add some garden art—like a sculpture or fountain? The plantings are lovely and natural but symmetrical, so something abstract might add an interesting focal point.
Lennon said:
Maybe add some garden art—like a sculpture or fountain? The plantings are lovely and natural but symmetrical, so something abstract might add an interesting focal point.
That’s a great idea. I’ll think about it!
There’s a lot of grass—maybe too much.
Kai said:
There’s a lot of grass—maybe too much.
I agree. I’m planning to remove some once the ground thaws.
Kai said:
There’s a lot of grass—maybe too much.
I agree. I’m planning to remove some once the ground thaws.
When you take out some grass, consider adding perennial shrubs or meadow plants. Pollinators will love it!
It’s a bit uniform—could use more variety. Maybe swap some grass paths for gravel? Adding taller plants and smaller flowering ones could create more interest. Seasonal pictures would help with more suggestions.
Hire me to live in the garden as the eccentric hermit! (Old-school style.)
Could use more height overall.
Why would you want to change it? It’s beautiful and provides great shelter for birds and other animals.
You need to contact Monty Don—he’ll know what to do!
Add more trees.