Looking for ideas on how to use them up!
How about making salsa?
I also suggest frying the green ones and making salsa with either red or green tomatoes. The green ones taste a bit like tomatillos, so a chile verde recipe works well.
Mai said:
I also suggest frying the green ones and making salsa with either red or green tomatoes. The green ones taste a bit like tomatillos, so a chile verde recipe works well.
I agree with that suggestion!
You could make pickles.
Definitely fry the green ones.
Wash them, dry them, then put them in plastic bags and freeze them.
JulesAvery said:
Wash them, dry them, then put them in plastic bags and freeze them.
I read this like, ‘Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew, freeze it.’
How about making tomolives or pickles?
You can bag them with bananas to help them ripen.
Jesse said:
You can bag them with bananas to help them ripen.
They will only ripen if they started ripening on the branch. If they are completely green, they won’t ripen no matter what.
That’s not true. They can ripen when picked green if they’ve reached their full size. Otherwise, their chance of ripening decreases.
They’ll only ripen if they have some color, though.
You could make salsa or roast them!
These have been sunbathing in a south-facing window since I picked them before the frost risk. The pointy ones don’t seem to be responding.
You can ripen the green unripe ones in a paper bag with a banana.
Enjoy them as they ripen.
For the big green ones, try fried green tomatoes.
For the rest, make green tomato chutney.
Use the reds as well.
Search this forum. This question comes up a lot. There are some great recipes I want to try too.