Hey everyone! A couple of months ago, I shared this post about a mystery plant Google Lens incorrectly ID’d as a potato. Back then, it was too young for anyone to be sure what it really was.
Well, now it’s flowering! Do these blooms give you any clearer idea of what it might be? I’m in northern California, and it’s the pink-flowering plant (not the geranium) in case that helps. Thanks in advance for any guesses!
Thanks for the Salvia guesses, everyone! The pink-flowering one (not the geranium) is what I’m asking about. Pretty sure it’s not native since I’m in northern California.
JulesAvery said:
Thanks for the Salvia guesses, everyone! The pink-flowering one (not the geranium) is what I’m asking about. Pretty sure it’s not native since I’m in northern California.
You might want to check out Flowers By the Sea. They used to specialize in Salvias and had an incredible variety. Their catalog might still be up online for reference!