Surprised by how cold hardy carrots are! Harvested today 1/23

I’m in the Texas Panhandle, and it’s been below freezing with snow over the past couple of weeks. It even dropped to 8°F, with wind chills making it -7°F. I thought my carrots were definitely done for, but nope! These beauties are going into dinner tonight!

Carrots are surprisingly cold hardy! They’re biennials, so they’re naturally meant to survive through at least one winter.

Frosted carrots often taste sweeter, so you’re in for a treat. Enjoy!

Cold temperatures bring out the best flavor in carrots. Those are probably the best ones you’ll ever get in Texas! When I lived near the Gulf Coast, my homegrown carrots were never as tasty because it didn’t get cold enough.

Those carrots look beautiful and delicious! 10/10 would eat. :carrot:

One of those carrots looks like it grew legs! :joy: Nice harvest. What recipes are you planning for them? I grow carrots too and recently harvested mine from an old kiddie pool I turned into a planter. I’m in a warm climate, but it’s good to know they can survive in colder conditions!

Nice pull! I harvested some crazy daikon radishes last month, but your carrots definitely look better! :carrot::joy:

I would eat those without hesitation!

Last spring, I picked some carrots I left in the ground through the winter. Stewed them up, and they were perfect!

I’m in Zone 5, and I had some carrots overwinter too. They were just fine when I finally ate them.

I’m convinced my carrots could survive a nuclear winter. They’re perfect for northern climates!

The best way to store carrots is in the ground. The only issue is digging them out if the ground freezes!