Stackable Planters Are Back at Dollar Tree… Worth It or Not?

The ones I bought cracked super fast, didn’t even last the season. Hopefully, yours hold up better!

Ember said:
The ones I bought cracked super fast, didn’t even last the season. Hopefully, yours hold up better!

Were they outside? Cheap plastic never lasts in the sun.

Peyton said:

Ember said:
The ones I bought cracked super fast, didn’t even last the season. Hopefully, yours hold up better!

Were they outside? Cheap plastic never lasts in the sun.

I use plastic pots all the time, and they last YEARS… but Dollar Tree ones? Lucky if they make it through one summer before turning to dust.

Mine literally crumbled when I tried to move them. Waste of money.

Wylie said:
Mine literally crumbled when I tried to move them. Waste of money.

Yeah, that tracks. If you get a year out of them, consider it a win. :joy:

Ember said:
The ones I bought cracked super fast, didn’t even last the season. Hopefully, yours hold up better!

Mine survived a Florida summer and two hurricanes. So… hit or miss, I guess?

You got the golden batch. :joy:

Payne said:
Stopped buying these. Even the $3 ones barely lasted a season. A year later? Nothing but broken junk.

Sounds like cheap polypropylene. Sometimes it’s better to just spend a little more for quality.

I thrift all my planters now. Found some solid ceramic pots for $2-5 that would be $20+ at a nursery.

Ridley said:
I thrift all my planters now. Found some solid ceramic pots for $2-5 that would be $20+ at a nursery.

Thrift store wins again!

Most of the ones I got from Dollar Tree cracked before the season was even over. Basically just landfill at that point. :disappointed:

I hate these things. Lol.

Hollis said:
I hate these things. Lol.

Yeah, I skipped them last year. Just looked flimsy and cheap.

Bought a bunch for a nursery display… biggest mistake. No UV protection, fragile, had to drill my own drainage holes. Wouldn’t recommend.

Straight-up garbage. Doesn’t even last a season.

Hate these. Got some kind of blight in the top container, and of course, it spread to everything. Never again.

Cairo said:
Tried twice, same result. Just switched to GreenStalk, hasn’t faded in 5 years.

I mean, kinda unfair comparing a $5 tower to a $150 one. :joy: But yeah, GreenStalk is worth it. Mine rolled off my patio, tumbled down a steep hill, and landed in the woods. Zero damage. Money well spent!

Way too small for real plants. Waste of money.

Tried these, could never keep them watered enough. Seeds, seedlings… all died. :sob: