Teal said:
Crying with envy from zone 2b…
Just looked up zone 2b temps… sending warm thoughts from zone 9!
Teal said:
Crying with envy from zone 2b…
Just looked up zone 2b temps… sending warm thoughts from zone 9!
Southern PA, zone 6b:
Best-tasting: tomatoes, Mokum carrots, sugar snap peas, Albion strawberries
Biggest harvest: zucchini, Sun Gold cherry tomatoes, Fortex green beans
Most unique: Chinese broccoli, Hatch green chiles, ground cherries
This year, I’m trying new eggplants—Rossa di Rontunda (supposed to taste like a red pepper/eggplant combo) and Rosa Bianca, which I loved last year. Also growing Conquistador peppers!