I think my monstera is flowering! Has anyone else had theirs bloom? What should I expect?
That’s so cool! The flower looks a lot like a Peace Lily’s bloom.
Zinn said:
That’s so cool! The flower looks a lot like a Peace Lily’s bloom.
Yep! They’re actually in the same plant family—Araceae. Aroids like this all have that classic spathe-shaped bloom. Pretty neat!
That makes so much sense! Thanks for the info.
You have to try the fruit when it’s ready. There’s a reason it’s called Monstera deliciosa—it’s supposed to taste amazing!
Heath said:
Wow, lucky you! Some people grow monsteras for years and never see a flower. It must love the spot it’s in!
The nursery where I get my plants has a huge Thai Constellation, and last time I was there, one of the employees showed me a monstera climbing the wall—and it was fruiting! Insane!
Oh my god, this is a dream come true! And it’s fruiting too?! Monstera is my absolute favorite plant!
Keller said:
Damn, dude. That’s impressive.
The plant she tells you not to worry about.
Scout said:
You have to try the fruit when it’s ready. There’s a reason it’s called Monstera deliciosa—it’s supposed to taste amazing!
Do I need to do anything special to prepare it, or can I just eat it as is?
You need to let it fully ripen—wait until the little scales fall off on their own before eating it. Otherwise, it’s not safe and can irritate your mouth. But once it’s ripe, it’s totally worth the wait!
It’s a bit of a process. Definitely watch a few YouTube videos before eating it!
The smell is incredible, but personally, I find the taste a little odd—kind of a weird metallic aftertaste. Some people love it, though!
Make sure to look up how to harvest the fruit properly! You don’t want to eat it too soon.
That’s incredible! Thanks for sharing a wild one in its natural habitat.
Where is this plant growing?
Denver said:
Where is this plant growing?
Based on post history, it looks like Australia.
Denver said:
Where is this plant growing?
Yep, I’m in Newcastle, Australia.
Monstera deliciosa! They’re literally delicious! Can’t believe you’ve got a flowering one—so cool!
Wow, what a find!
Omg yes, that’s definitely a monstera!
The fruit takes almost a year to ripen, but I hear it’s totally worth it—people say it tastes like a mix of pineapple and banana.
Still waiting for mine to flower. One day…