Asiatic lilies are one of my favorite flowers. They bring so much beauty and joy to the garden. I’d love to hear how others grow and care for theirs!
Do you leave the bulbs in the ground, and do they grow back every year? I forgot to dig mine up last summer, but I hope they return!
Flint said:
Absolutely gorgeous! The colors are so cheerful and full of life.
Thank you so much! Glad you like them!
What do you usually do with them after they’re done blooming? Do you cut them back?
Any tips for dealing with red lily beetles? They destroy my lilies every year, and I’m sick of squishing those grubs… it’s so gross!
These are stunning! You’ve clearly put a lot of care into them.
So beautiful! Seeing these would cheer anyone up.
I planted some red and yellow ones a few years ago, and now they’ve spread like crazy. They’re so rewarding since they come back year after year.
I love Asiatic lilies too, but I wish their blooms lasted longer!
Same here
They’re absolutely stunning!
So beautiful!
I love lilies too, but I’ve had such bad luck with them. I planted 100 bulbs one year and got one single flower. I think the critters in my yard are to blame. I even tried chicken wire, but no luck.
The variety in your garden is incredible! That birch tree in the middle is such a nice touch.
Beautiful plants!
I adore the colors!
I love them too, but I’m so allergic! My eyes are watering just thinking about them.
Wow, so beautiful!
Lilies are my favorite too! These are stunning.
The colors are incredible.