I don’t know how we’d ever grow all of this, even if we tore up the whole lawn to plant stuff.
Wow, is she planning to supply a food bank or something? I used to be like this too. I wanted to grow everything. Now, after more than 10 years of gardening, I stick to just a few crops we actually eat. But trying new stuff is always fun!
She has zero self-control when it comes to seeds lol. I did convince her not to buy two packs of everything this time. It’s only our third year gardening here, and every year she wants to grow more!
Gardening does that to people, I swear. I’m on a 0.25-acre lot with limited sun and already have two pear trees and two potted cherry trees. I’ve been dreaming about pecan trees even though I have nowhere to put them. If I ever get enough land, I’ll probably plant an entire orchard. For now, I just cram as much as I can into raised beds. No one complains… except my cat.
We’re on 0.88 acres, but only about 0.5 is usable because the rest is a hilly area with a little runoff creek. Big trees block most of the sun, but we’ve got one nice sunny strip for the garden.
Cody said:
We’re on 0.88 acres, but only about 0.5 is usable because the rest is a hilly area with a little runoff creek. Big trees block most of the sun, but we’ve got one nice sunny strip for the garden.
Try interplanting! I cram plants together—tomatoes, peppers, and vines don’t need much soil space, so I put herbs, lettuce, or flowers at the base. Some plants can handle partial shade too. Oh, and you can graft different varieties onto one plant if space is tight. You’ll have options for next year!
That’s a great idea. Living mulch for the win!
Cody said:
We’re on 0.88 acres, but only about 0.5 is usable because the rest is a hilly area with a little runoff creek. Big trees block most of the sun, but we’ve got one nice sunny strip for the garden.
Hillsides are perfect for tall corn.
I’m trying to grow a backyard orchard in pots: pomegranate, dragon fruit, lemons, oranges, muscadine grapes, and more. I also have some trees in the ground like mango and avocado. It’s a process!
Look up ‘Backyard Orchard’ on YouTube. People plant trees super close together—it’s inspiring even for small yards!
Your wife and I are the same person. I always get two packs of seeds, you know, just in case. I have no idea what I’m going to do with all of them.
Wylie said:
Your wife and I are the same person. I always get two packs of seeds, you know, just in case. I have no idea what I’m going to do with all of them.
That’s not unreasonable. I lost a pack of seeds once when a bird snatched it right off the table and scattered them everywhere. Now I keep them in a binder with card sleeves.
Wylie said:
Your wife and I are the same person. I always get two packs of seeds, you know, just in case. I have no idea what I’m going to do with all of them.
Two packs usually turns into four by the end of my shopping trip. Target’s garden stuff is coming out—dangerous territory!
Wylie said:
Your wife and I are the same person. I always get two packs of seeds, you know, just in case. I have no idea what I’m going to do with all of them.
I take my extra seeds to seed banks or local garden clubs. It’s a nice way to share!
It’s normal for us gardeners. What’s your favorite thing from the garden?
Roux said:
It’s normal for us gardeners.What’s your favorite thing from the garden?
Definitely the peppers. She puts them in everything, and they’re always amazing!
I do the same! I always plant too many seeds and end up giving starts away to friends and family. What if one variety doesn’t germinate, though? Backup plans are essential.
Collecting seeds is a hobby in itself. Be glad it’s just seeds and not something like chickens or boats. There are worse obsessions!
Kip said:
Collecting seeds is a hobby in itself. Be glad it’s just seeds and not something like chickens or boats. There are worse obsessions!
Oh, the chickens are coming as soon as the city allows them!
Madden said:
She’s a seed dragon hoarding her treasure.I do the same thing in winter and love giving seedlings to our community garden.
We started small with grow bags at our rental and expanded every year. It’s definitely addictive!