Hello! I'm going to show you these natural beauties! They are in a protected park in the mountains! We can't touch them but we can take photos of them!

Rosulate violets are such a treasure! It’s crazy to me that convergent evolution can make a violet of all things so closely resemble a cactus.

San said:
Rosulate violets are such a treasure! It’s crazy to me that convergent evolution can make a violet of all things so closely resemble a cactus.

They’re VIOLETS?? :sob: The state of the world has me jaded most of the time these days but it’s wonderful to be reminded that there are still so many beautiful things out there to learn about in spite of it all.

They are precious and I am happy they are protected.

Please gatekeep this location and park name. Although people will say they won’t touch it, there are lurkers ready to pounce and steal these beauties.

Will said:
Please gatekeep this location and park name. Although people will say they won’t touch it, there are lurkers ready to pounce and steal these beauties.

Yeah it is so sad how big of a problem plant poachers have become. A plant poacher was caught a couple years ago with an entire uhaul van full of California coast succulents :rage:

Wow! These are species of Viola, right? Can you tell us a little bit about them?

This is a violet???

Terry said:
This is a violet???

Yes. There is a group of Viola species that have evolved a rosette growth habit to adapt to a dry mountain climate. Collectively they are called rosulate Violas or rosulate violets.

I bet r/botany would love to see those!

I’m always surprised to see things growing out of rocks. Anything. Trees, succulents, flowers. Always reminds me that no matter the situation, I can grow through it.

What part of the world are you living in?

Zinnia said:

Mal said:
What part of the world are you living in?

These are likely from the Andes.

Thanks! I was thinking Africa, but South America makes sense!

Absolutely wonderful photos of these beautiful flowers. Thank you for the photos, OP! Now I’m hoping people keep their mitts off of these plants like they’re supposed to.