Does anybody else feel guilty when getting rid of plants?

Thinning out, chucking away, whatever, does anybody else feel guilty about wasting life even though it’s just a plant? Or am I utterly insane? Of course, it’s usually completely justified and necessary, but still.

One has to actually get rid of a plant before one can feel guilty.

Gray said:
One has to actually get rid of a plant before one can feel guilty.

Hahaha! Hit the nail on the head there!

I used to, but after I sent a few plants to the compost pile it got easier. It’s better to take good care of less than get overwhelmed taking care of too many.

Phoenix said:
I used to, but after I sent a few plants to the compost pile it got easier. It’s better to take good care of less than get overwhelmed taking care of too many.

I think that’s actually part of my issue, I rent, and don’t actually have a compost bin, so plants go in the local brown plant bin. There is no feeling of ‘circle of life’ that way.

Get a Reencle! I love mine. No food nor house plant is wasted in vain.

I hate thinning plants. I feel badly for every one. I will often dig them up instead and replant elsewhere, or repot and start giving them away.

Storm said:
I hate thinning plants. I feel badly for every one. I will often dig them up instead and replant elsewhere, or repot and start giving them away.

I started a beautiful garden bed from my neighbor thinning her multitude of green plants and beautiful flowers. I really benefited from her careful planning and coordinated color scheme. Thank you for all of you who have generously donated your plants and time!

You’re not insane. Every year I plant from seed assuming a low germination rate. They typically all grow and then I’m left with a lot of plants—more than I should use. But I use them in a crowded garden or I find good homes for them (neighbors, family, friends).

I start tomatoes and such early, under lights, and I put 2-3 seeds in each baby container to ensure germination. Then, I have to murder the weaker ones if they all sprout. I’m still not used to this.

There are Facebook groups in my state where people gift out plants and post plants for people to come dig up for free if they need to thin some areas out.

Oh my gosh, I’ve been going through so much inner turmoil trying to decide if I need to get rid of some of my plants. I have a few that aren’t doing well, and I just don’t have the desire to keep trying. I’ve moved them to other parts of the house where I won’t see them as much hoping they’ll either flourish or just finally die.

No, I’m the same. If they are healthy plants and I need to get rid of them, I offer them up for free on Buy Nothing or Marketplace. They always get snatched up, plants are friggin expensive!

Hehehe. Funny story, my ex-wife always said I had too many house plants, and needed to get rid of some. OK, yeah, the 15’ tall bird of paradise was maybe a bit too tall to fit back in the house in the fall, so I gave it away. But asking me to get rid of my 12’ Philodendron Gigantium that I’ve had for almost 40 years? I always told her that I will get rid of her before I get rid of Phil. Phil is comfortably sitting in a corner of the warm basement under several grow lights while I have no idea where my ex-wife is ATM.

Volunteering in a master gardener association, we have trouble even getting folks to thin plants which yields stronger plants and better production. They act like you are asking them to kill puppies. So, the feeling is natural but do it anyway.

Yes! I’ve also pulled plants out of the condo dumpster and mentally shamed the person who callously led them to their death. If it bothers you, join your local Facebook Buy Nothing group or gardening group or even some of those neighborhood group apps. Then post what you’re leaving out by your mailbox and they’ll be gone in a day. Wrap the roots in some moist paper towels and plastic bags if you have them and you’ll be good. No guilt. Plus, you’ll create some joy for people. When I was just starting out, it gave me a real thrill to pick up Iris bulbs or whatever from people getting rid of them.