Check out my aunt's jackfruit tree!

My aunt has this amazing jackfruit tree, and it’s producing so much fruit right now! Thought I’d share it with everyone here.

I didn’t realize jackfruits grow so close to the ground. That’s fascinating!

Jesse said:
I didn’t realize jackfruits grow so close to the ground. That’s fascinating!

Ah, so this is the literal ‘low-hanging fruit’ everyone talks about!

Jesse said:
I didn’t realize jackfruits grow so close to the ground. That’s fascinating!

Some jackfruit varieties even grow underground! Nature is wild.

Such a friendly tree, making fruit so easy to grab!

I’m so envious! I’ve tried growing them in South Florida, but the fruits never got this big. Thanks for sharing this picture!

Ellis said:
I’m so envious! I’ve tried growing them in South Florida, but the fruits never got this big. Thanks for sharing this picture!

Gotta love tropical climates for making fruit trees thrive!

One ripe jackfruit can feed 20 people easily. Such an amazing fruit!

Did you know jackfruits are related to mulberries? Both are insanely abundant in fruit production.

Florian said:
Did you know jackfruits are related to mulberries? Both are insanely abundant in fruit production.

Really? That’s so cool! I love mulberries too.

Now I want to grow a jackfruit tree! I’ve already done mangoes, avocados, peaches, and pineapples, but this would be a fun challenge.

When I was a kid, I saw a picture of a jackfruit tree and didn’t believe it was real. They’re incredible!

Jackfruit is so aromatic and delicious. I can almost smell it from here!

It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. I love how alien it seems!

It’s interesting how the fruits grow right on the trunk. Makes sense since they’re way too big to hang off branches like apples.

Yum! Jackfruit is the best.

Even a little kid could grab one! This tree is so convenient.

Ah yes, the trolls are almost ready to harvest!