Built an automated seed starter for my wife after some gardening disasters… thoughts?

Make sure you add some ventilation or airflow, otherwise you’ll get mold everywhere. I recommend using cheap computer fans. The airflow also helps the stems grow stronger and prepares them for outdoor wind. Don’t forget to put a mat or some plastic under it to protect your floor from moisture.

Good call! I included fans in the original design, but I haven’t installed them yet. They’re on my to-do list!

Here’s the guide: DIY: Automated Seedling Planter. Hope it helps you get started!

Vesper said:
Good call! I included fans in the original design, but I haven’t installed them yet. They’re on my to-do list!

That’s awesome! I used to have a similar setup before upgrading to a greenhouse. I still use the frame for my seedlings though. Love your build!

When should I start using the fans? My seedlings just sprouted their first leaves.

Harlow said:
When should I start using the fans? My seedlings just sprouted their first leaves.

Turn them on right away and keep them running.

That’s so cool!

I love this! You should do a time-lapse or take daily photos to document the progress. I think the best gardens are a mix of food and flowers—flowers attract pollinators, and the food is for you. It’s the perfect combo!

You need something under it. Your wooden floor will absorb any spilled water or moisture. Put a big plastic tray under the setup to avoid damage later.

Indigo said:
You need something under it. Your wooden floor will absorb any spilled water or moisture. Put a big plastic tray under the setup to avoid damage later.

Good point! The plants have drip trays, and the watering system doesn’t spill, but I should look into extra protection just in case.

Our first batch of seedlings burned to a crisp outside. The second batch grew indoors but was too weak and spindly to survive when we planted them outside—only 10% made it.

I built this system for my wife as a Christmas gift, and we had a blast setting it up. It has two levels with separate heat mats, lighting, and automatic watering.

She’s focused on growing food, while I want flowers for decoration. I’m even planning to take cuttings from local parks soon.

EDIT: I wrote a DIY: Automated Seedling Planter Guide if anyone wants to try this too.

That’s impressive. I’ve never had much success starting tomatoes or peppers from seedlings. Luckily, volunteer cherry tomatoes pop up in my garden every spring.

Reeve said:
That’s impressive. I’ve never had much success starting tomatoes or peppers from seedlings. Luckily, volunteer cherry tomatoes pop up in my garden every spring.

We’ve tried tomatoes and peppers in the past, but they didn’t do well. Hoping for better results this time around.

Great setup! If your seedlings get too leggy, replant them deeper into the soil to strengthen them. Also, make sure to gradually harden them off before putting them outside to prevent shock from the sun.

Tomatoes love being buried deeper. They’ll grow extra roots along the stem, which makes the plant stronger and boosts your harvest.

Gardening with support… love it!

How much did it cost you to put this together?

Skyler said:
How much did it cost you to put this together?

It cost $375 with all the multi-level controls. If you go for a simpler version, you could probably save about $100.

You’re an awesome husband for doing this.