Are these edible?

I’m not sure if they’re blueberries or grapes. Can you help?

They look like fox grapes to me. If that’s the case, they’re edible. We pick them in the woods nearby and make jelly with them.

If they slip out of their skins when you squish them between your fingers, with the inside of the skins being sweet and the center around the seeds being tart, then they are likely Concord grapes. These are commonly used to make grape juice and grape jelly.

These are my favorite grapes! They’re so tender and sweet. When I eat them, I suck the pulp and strain the seeds through my teeth. This is the perfect time of year to harvest them.

Do they look like muscadine or Concord grapes to you?

I could be mistaken, but I think this color is more like Concord grapes. The Muscadines I’ve seen are usually more burgundy or purple, if not golden.

Concord grapes are amazing!

I’m almost certain they’re grapes, but there are some lookalikes to watch out for.

If you squish a berry and find a crescent-shaped seed, it’s likely Canada Moonseed, which is toxic. Moonseed also has smooth leaves instead of toothed ones.

Another lookalike is Virginia creeper, which has red stems around its berries.

I’ve never seen Virginia Creeper produce berries! I didn’t realize they did that.