Are blueberries supposed to turn red like this?

I noticed my blueberry plants turning a reddish-bronze color. Is this normal?

Yes, the reddish-bronze color is totally normal for blueberries in the fall.

Yep! Some varieties have the best fall colors in my whole garden.

This is one of the reasons I planted them as edible landscaping in my front yard. They look amazing in the fall!

Jules said:
This is one of the reasons I planted them as edible landscaping in my front yard. They look amazing in the fall!

Same here! Mine look beautiful when they bloom, turn gorgeous colors in fall, and give delicious fruit in summer. Can’t ask for more!

Jules said:
This is one of the reasons I planted them as edible landscaping in my front yard. They look amazing in the fall!

I agree! Fruiting shrubs are so underrated. They’re both pretty and practical.

In southern Oregon, there are areas with huge blueberry fields that turn bright red every fall. It looks like the hills are on fire, and people drive around just to see them, like they do with aspen trees elsewhere.

Really? Where exactly? I grew up in Medford and Ashland, but I don’t remember seeing that. Granted, that was 35-40 years ago.

Yep, when the weather gets colder, the leaves turn red.

Yes! Aren’t they just stunning? :slight_smile:

Thanks, everyone! This is such a relief to hear. I rescued these plants, and I’m hoping to nurse them through winter until spring.

Reese said:
Thanks, everyone! This is such a relief to hear. I rescued these plants, and I’m hoping to nurse them through winter until spring.

That’s awesome! You’re going to be so thrilled with them next summer!

Yes, but keep in mind that leaves can also turn red if the soil pH is too high. Blueberries like acidic soil. If it’s not fall and the leaves are turning red, check your soil’s pH. I’ve struggled with this in Colorado because of the alkaline soil here.

If it’s only a few older leaves turning red and the new ones are green, is that okay?

Mai said:
If it’s only a few older leaves turning red and the new ones are green, is that okay?

That’s usually fine. When I had a pH problem, all the leaves turned red and shriveled. I recommend checking the pH with a meter. If it’s above 5.5, add sulfur to the soil or mix a little vinegar into the water as a quick fix. Blueberries like a pH around 5.

Thanks! I’ve had my plant for a year now and didn’t know much at first. I’ve acidified the soil a couple of times and used berry fertilizer. It’s still a bit sparse, but I’ll test the pH again tomorrow and make adjustments.

Thanks for pointing that out! I’ll keep an eye on it come spring.

Yes, I’ve had blueberry bushes for 30 years in Pennsylvania. Every fall, when it gets cold, the leaves turn a mix of orange and mauve before falling off as the plant goes dormant.

They’re just going dormant for winter.

Yes, they’re supposed to.