Anyone else’s monstera make its own pot?

My monstera literally made its own pot! The roots have completely taken over, and now it’s all roots, barely any soil. I’m amazed by how it managed this. Thoughts?

Jo said:
It looks super root bound. When you repot it, make sure to loosen the roots a bit. Also, don’t go too big on the new pot size.

Thanks! I’ve repotted it already. Here’s a pic of how it looked before:

Jo said:
It looks super root bound. When you repot it, make sure to loosen the roots a bit. Also, don’t go too big on the new pot size.

Why shouldn’t you upsize the pot too much?

Honestly, just drill a hole in the bottom and toss in some rocks. That pot looks way too small, though, maybe by 25% or more.

Mal said:
Honestly, just drill a hole in the bottom and toss in some rocks. That pot looks way too small, though, maybe by 25% or more.

Rocks at the bottom are definitely the way to go.

Mal said:
Honestly, just drill a hole in the bottom and toss in some rocks. That pot looks way too small, though, maybe by 25% or more.

Actually, putting rocks at the bottom isn’t great for drainage. Perlite or using a clay pot works better.

So the soil basically gets pushed to the top as the roots grow? That’s wild.

This plant was like, ‘I can break these cuffs!’

I kick it root bound.

Zephyr said:
I kick it root bound.

How you gonna kick it? Root bound all the way.

Your plant seems super happy in that pot. You probably don’t even need advice, honestly. I’ve been trying to figure out what pot size to use for my struggling monstera after some hurricane damage. Any suggestions? It’s been in the ground for years, and I’m worried about digging it up.

Uh… that’s not great for the plant.

Taylor said:
Uh… that’s not great for the plant.

It’s fine, actually. Monsteras can handle being root bound like champs.

How was it even getting nutrients at that point? It’s just roots, no soil, lol.

Kim said:
How was it even getting nutrients at that point? It’s just roots, no soil, lol.

I know, right? I’m just amazed at how resilient it is. It’s in a proper pot now, though.

Zora said:

Kim said:
How was it even getting nutrients at that point? It’s just roots, no soil, lol.

I know, right? I’m just amazed at how resilient it is. It’s in a proper pot now, though.

Big leaves must’ve been doing the heavy lifting! Plus, those roots look almost like succulents. Anyone know how plants manage with so little soil?

Looks like a bowl of spaghetti :joy:

It just needs more soil, plain and simple.

Plant root goals!

I’m so jealous! I’ve tried to grow monsteras so many times, but I just can’t keep them alive. I’ve tried different spots, watering schedules, everything. I’d love to have even a struggling root-bound monstera like this.